2008년 5월 25일 일요일

10th class

This week our class learned public & privacy.
before the class I think public & privacy is simply we learn about society.

-close watch kept over someone or something
-Etymology: French, from surveiller to watch over, from sur- + veiller to watch, from Latin vigilare, from vigil watchful
-“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”Benjamin Franklin, 1759 Historical Review of Pennsylvania
-I think surveillance is very bad, because my privacy not keep everyone. So, I'm afraid of CCTV and stranger people.

*privacy: a definition
-1.a. the quality or state of being apart from company or observation b. SECLUSION: freedom from unauthorized intrusion- 2. archaic : a place of seclusion

* what’s missing from this picture?
-I'm sorry not capture.
-I think that picture means privacy already exposure every people, every thing.
So, We too hard to keep privacy.

* monitoring on the web
•what does your web browser reveal about you?
- hmm.. I think we introduce to stranger people, take pride in my people relationship.
•standard HTTP headers:
–From: User’s email address
–User-Agent: User’s browser software
–Referer: Page user cam from by following a link
–Authorization: User name and password
–Client-IP: Clien’t IP address
–Cookie: Server-generated ID label

* data mining tasks
•inference of associative rules
•inference of sequential patterns

I think to develop science techonology, we invade privacy.
I hope science techonology to protect privacy.
next class we will learn authorship & ownership. I will exert oneself next class.

2008년 5월 10일 토요일

9th class

This week our class learn about computer games.
I like computer games. So, I expected this class.before the class I think computer games that's fun and interesting.
** Outline*prologue, game, pain station
*computer games:
-how do they work?how do they work “behind the screen”? i.e., how do they work from the perspective of an engineer? a simple example of pong
-how do they work “in front of the screen”? i.e.,how do they work for the audience or participant?Sherry Turkle on computer games and processes of identificationHenry Jenkins on computer games, gender and space.

** what’s in a game engine?
- graphics: I think graphic is to important computer games.- physics- ai -... and a lot more

** what makes a good game?
-play? or, : I think. Good game is to play toxicity.
-story? : I think. Story is interesting.

**video games as ..
.-video games as “metaphysical machines”
-...as “perfect mirrors”
-...as “drugs”
-...as “contests”
: from Sherry Turkle, “Video Games and Computer Holding Power”

this week we are learn computer games. I think. Computer games is only interesting. but computer games makecomplicated , difficult and wonderful.next class we are learned about medium as prosthesis. (Marshall Mcluhan, Norbert Wiener)I expect next class.

2008년 5월 4일 일요일

8th class

Our class learned about computer-aid.I don't know computer-aid to contact.
* outline for this week
-intro Modern Times by Charlie Chaplin-CSCW: computer-supported cooperative work
-Winograd and Flores : the language/action perspective of work a diagram of a conversation for action

**key point - every digital media technology has an architecture using diagrams to compare physical architectures with digital architectures.
*Winograd and Flores: model of conversation
- conversations are sequences of actions because by saying things people are understood to be doing things;
- i.e., saying = doing; e.g., taking an oath in court, saying “I do” in a wedding, etc. are not just words, but words that perform actions.
*this classroom: a language/action perspective what is our network of recurrent (repeating) conversations? --->organization
-what are our patterns of triggering and breakdown? --> linking t to t
-how do we use computers and networks to conduct this network of conversations? --> creating tools
-what new media technologies might be designed to create new conversations and connections? --> blogs …

**recall keypoint #2
- Technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas and relationships.
-I think technologies not embody everythings. because we not solve to detailed things.

** Key point
-Every digital media technology has an architecture that can be used to transform work, play and governance.
*surveillance-close watch kept over someone or something-Etymology: French, from surveiller to watch over, from sur
- + veiller to watch, from Latin vigilare, from vigil watchful

this week our class so difficult. so, ldon't understand anything.I better than anyother class. next class we are learn about computer games.I prepare next class.